It’s that time of the year again, back to school! Many of your website visitors will be looking for the most up to date information regarding back to school for your local area, and this is your chance to become a dedicated hub and resource for your community.
We suggest creating a dedicated ‘Back To School’ hub page, and include things like school closures & delays, weather, Covid-19 updates as it pertains to your local school district, and links to any other general information and guidelines that you think would be helpful to your listeners. If you have an app, you can also add the ‘Back To School’ page as a menu item.
If you are already a SoCast client, we’ve listed some of our tools below to get you started, however we encourage you to find ways to incorporate our suggestions into your website or app whether you’re a SoCast client or not.
Weather: The SoCast weather widget offers both current and 7 day forecast options. It also integrates with Weatherology, World Weather Online, or allows for custom options. You could also include links on where to find additional information for heat warnings or other weather related events that may affect the school day.
Contesting: Our contesting system includes an updated contest editor, and we’ve added 12 new contest entry actions to increase user engagement for contest entrants to submit entries. Any entry action or combination can be inserted into and fully customized for any contest and to provide better sponsorship opportunities. For example, you can reward your listeners for visiting a sponsor’s website with the “Visit A Link” action. Offer them a special back to school discount or promo code from local businesses with the “Download A File” action, or create a “Teacher/Educator of the Month” where parents of kids can submit a teacher that deserves special recognition.
Local Listings: Local listings are really great for generating local traffic and community engagement for your website, and our Local Listings tool can be used to communicate school closures during extreme weather events like snow storms. This excellent yet underutilized add-on will give your listeners the ability to check your listings every morning before going to school and help make informed decisions.
You could also use this tool to create business listings offering school discounts, places to buy school supplies or uniforms, or places where you could donate items to those in need.
Events: Our event calendar tool is a great option for listing online and virtual events related to back-to-school, such as when and where to get a virtual school tour, school registration dates, breakfast programs, campus events or information related to after school programs, sports registration etc.
Creating a “Back to School” hub on your website can help you become a resource for busy parents, produce great SEO-friendly content, and also create a highly sponsorable part of your website for local advertisers. If you’d like to learn more about any of our products, please reach out to us at